Philippines Missions

Enjoy our Beach Resort at beautiful Butuan Bay. Relaxation, Swimming, Kayaking, Surfing, and general fun in the sun activities will be available to you as you spend quality time with God and sow into local Filipino communities. Shoes, school supplies, and medicine are some of the needs of the local community that you will be able to help meet. Your mission to the Philippines will be facilitated by our friendly guides who will provide meals and transportation to the various available mission fields including local schools, neighborhoods, and Churches were you will be able to become the hands and feet of Christ to help supply the needs of Filipinos both materially and spiritually. The 3000 dollar "goal" is not money that we are trying to raise but rather the price per person to go on a Missionary journey that will change your life and the lives of the people you impact forever. For more information please contact Charles Morrill at