Feed the Children


Right now, 1 in 5 American kids don't have enough food and don't know where their next meal will come from.
16.9% of children live in poverty.

To put it in perspective, that’s 1 in 6 children who live in poverty.
Food Insecure Households
For many families in the U.S., the past several years have been difficult. Higher food prices, economic instability, and other factors have made providing for a family even harder. 1 in 10 households in the U.S. is food insecure. That means these families don't have enough money or resources to buy enough food for everyone in their household.
As recently as 2021, 5.5 million children lived in food insecure households.
Approximately 2.3 billion people were moderately or severely food insecure in 2021. That’s almost 1 in 3 people or nearly 30% of the global population. 22% of children under 5 years old—nearly 1 in 4 —experienced stunted growth in 2020. 1.7 billion people lack basic sanitation services. Malnutrition is the single largest contributor to disease in the world. 2 billion people
drink from contaminated water sources. Having access to clean water
allows for better hygiene practices like hand washing, which can prevent
infectious diseases and illness. Approximately 45% of deaths among children under 5 years old
are linked to undernutrition. Undernutrition means a person is not
getting enough nutrients to grow and thrive. Other outcomes include
wasting and stunting.AROUND THE WORLD