Ambassador Pay

Ambassador Pay is earned on each package sold. The commission earned, depends on your purchased package. You also have the ability to upgrade your membership, anytime.

View Our Products
Click on the percentages below for more details.
Baron / Baroness 3-20%
Earl / Countess 10-45%
Marquess / Marchioness 10-50%
Duke / Duchess 15-50%
Prince / Princess 20-50%
King / Queen 50%
Kingdom 50%
Baron / Baroness $5
Earl / Countess $10
Marquess / Marchioness $15
Duke / Duchess $20
Prince / Princess $25
King / Queen $30
Kingdom $35

Infinity (1up & 2up) Coded Pay Plan

The commission earned, depends on the packages sold by you and your team members. Each sale, after your first, starts this part of the Infinity Pay. Your first package sold is your qualifying sale. From your second sale on, each member’s first sale now becomes a pay leg to you (a straight line). Each member’s FIRST MEMBER, will now earn YOU between $5 to $35… to infinity. On your third sale, your 2up infinity pay will begin. Your 2up will earn you an additional $5 to $35… to infinity. For more details, click the links below!

Baron / Baroness $5
Earl / Countess $10
Marquess / Marchioness $15
Duke / Duchess $20
Prince / Princess $25
King / Queen $30
Kingdom $35

Community Servant’s
Leadership Program

As a MyDHLife member, you will have a rank based on the amount of personal members and what rank those personal members hold. Members will have the opportunity to get a percentage of global sales every quarter. Click on the diagram link below for more details.