One Vision One Heart is MyDHLife’s global cause. This foundation promotes change within our communities. A change so dramatic that it arranges one’s social, political, economical, and even ecological state of being. Every package purchased, by a MyDHLife member, allows us all to collectively take part in giving 10% of our companies net profits to One Vision One Heart.
Get Started Now For Free!
Once you’re registered, you can create your very own cause page. Upload images and videos, along with your story, to share with our entire membership base. Once your cause page is created, you’ll have your very own link to share and spread the word on many of the well known social media sites.

Security Is Our Top Priority
We have personally built our platform from the ground up. All funds processed go through our SAFE and SECURE encryption technology.
Easily Transfer Funds Raised Into Your Own Bank Account
Our platform is supported WORLDWIDE. MyDHLife gives our customers this service totally FREE. Other funding sites require you to pay a fee for using their platform. At MyDHLife, it’s YOUR efforts, YOUR cause, and YOUR TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED!